Home Defense Shotgun, Advanced Pistol situations, AR-15 Scenarios, 2-3 Gun Transitions, Strong/Support Side firing, Shoot House. Women's only Workshop. We have a new workshop available at Bks. It is the Women's Only Workshop. This workshop will teach a variety of topics including Firearm Inspection, Tabling Your Firearm, Fingers Off Trigger, Nra Safety Rules, Loading/Gripping/Sight Alignment/Sight Picture, Sirt Laser Presentation/Exercise, Range Time with Student Setup, Proper Stance/Grip/Benchrest, Live fire, Coach/Student Team if possible.
This is a 2 hour workshop with a cost of 10 dollars. You must bring you own weapon and ammo. Safety is top priority so please no live ammo in the club house. Eye and ear protection is required. No certifications will issued but certification courses are available.
Contact David Cole for times and availablity. 360-580-4568 no texting please
Rapid Entry Workshop